

(These are Prerequisites for preparing your computer for TaxPro Product Installation or solving any issues you may facing for working installed TaxPro Product correctly. Download and Install TaxPro Softwares from here.)
Pre-Requisites - Download Required to Run

In case of Error in Running the s/w like 429- ActiveX Component…, Automation Error.

If getting error while unzip/extract Consolidate file.

Preview and Print related issue.

MySQL Server instances for databases.

Barcode Font for PAN, TAN Barcode required in Challan and New ITR Forms.

For TaxPro EnterPrize and Bulk PDF Signer (32-Bit Operating System).

For TaxPro EnterPrize and Bulk PDF Signer (64-Bit Operating System).

Dot Net Framework 3.5

SQL Express setup to install the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 for SQL Database.

SQL Server Management Studio require to install SQL Database.

SQL Server Native Client for Client Machine in case of SQL Database.

SQL Server Native Client for Client Machine in case of SQL Database.

SQL Server Native Client for Client Machine in case of SQL Database.

Crystal Report Redistributed 2008 Setup.

Windows Installer 3.1

MSXML Version 6

Required only if problems in Print and Preview in TaxPro IT software.

Required only if no other database software is installed on the computer.

Required to run with Windows 7/Vista Setup.

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